
Talks and Presentations
Research work conducted by our team of students and faculty
Hale, Joshua (2024). 2024 RGD Design Educators Conference. Vancouver, BC.
Demian S, Anderson A, Clements DR (2023). Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA. [poster] Access PDF
Hannah Merritt (2022). Create Conference. Langley, BC.
Mckenna, Lauren, Demian Sarah (2023). Coastal Conference. Langley, BC. Access PDF
Hale, Joshua (2021). Creativity Conference. Southern Oregon University.
Hale, Joshua (2021). FNAS Lunch & Learn. Langley, BC.
Anderson, A, Braithwaite, J, Clements D (2023). Create Conference. Langley, BC.
Braithwaite J, Anderson A, Clements DR (2023). Murdock Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, WA. [poster] Access PDF
Clements DR (2023). Regional Invasive Species Organization Working Group (RISOWG). Kamloops, BC. [invited talk] Access PDF
Braithwaite J, Demian S. (May 15, 2024). ISCMV Spring Forum/AGM, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Clements DR, Demian S, Anderson A, Braithwaite J, and Mckenna L (2024). Invasive Species Council of British Columbia Annual Forum, New Westminster, BC. Access PDF
ICP Framework
The Integrated Creative Practices (ICP) Framework was developed within the context of the Knotweed Lab. This framework is intended to guide future work that seeks to integrate creative practices into transdisciplinary work. View Here.
Video Presentations
Clements DR, Demian S (2023). American Scientific Affiliation, Mississauga, ON, Canada. Watch Now
Our Partners
Meet our partners in this project! Check out their websites for more resources on what to do about knotweed found on public or private land.